Sunday, February 13, 2011

wow putrajaya

mulakan dengan picca yg hotssss gitu!~ :D

hehe.. i take this picca! & i loikeeee!!! :)

ok.sudah! em,hari ni xde plan pape. kbtln lak, kt umah xde air. so, baek kuar kn??, ape lg.jom track adam! :D hari ni adam kt wow putrajaya di booth eRama.

adam not feeling well today but he still can give a good performance. great!!

to adam :
u can do it! dont too much think about da past & wutever happens now even too hard 4 u to accepted. we can feel wut u feel. but life must go on & ur next step is near with u now. come on! we believe u can! go! & I really respect wut u want to changed. good job,bro!~ :D

p/s : ADAM 4!!! tungguuu :))