yup! sometimes, i admit that we alwayz do unexpected things. but, who cares??we luv it!~ :D
actually, we decide only juz 2 days before, going today and come back the next day after.
(03/02/11 - 04/02/11)
actually, we decide only juz 2 days before, going today and come back the next day after.
(03/02/11 - 04/02/11)
ok!let's go~ :D
bile dh smpai, min tgh tidur coz bru blk on call kol 12 lbh td.. sementara tgu die siap2, ape lg, jom selongkar brg2 doc jap!weeeeeeeeeee~ ;p
on call! *6++ pagi hari ni hingga tghri/ptg esoknye okeh!*
kepada yg bekerja ofis hour cm bytie, hargailah office hour anda. chewahh~ :D
pastu, blk teluk intan, jln2 kt menara condong lak.
actually, last minute plan ni pn bersebab. kami mahu release tension, sharing our problems yg agk berat, and mau bagi semangat to cik doc!heee
*yup!kami same2 mmpunyai tekanan yang kami & Allah shj tahu*
*thanxx sayangness~ semoga kita tabah menghadapinya okeh!*
*thanxx sayangness~ semoga kita tabah menghadapinya okeh!*
p/s : really sorry to my family for this last minute decision but i am there right even a bit late?sorry again & thanx coz give me a green light to go here. :)
p/ss : hahaha! abaikan title post yg agk poyo itu okeh ;p
*tapi kami mmg on call pn pagi2 esoknye tu coz doc terus g on call die & kami pulang semula ke pangkal jln* heee ;D
p/ss : hahaha! abaikan title post yg agk poyo itu okeh ;p
*tapi kami mmg on call pn pagi2 esoknye tu coz doc terus g on call die & kami pulang semula ke pangkal jln* heee ;D
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