Friday, May 29, 2009


you are most welcome to visit this website..

for my friends, just let me contact me ya! =)

for others, talk to us by droping a line at or call the number given..

for photographer services, you can choose any of this packages..

p/s : kpd kwn2ku sekalian yg mmg ramaiiiii sgt nk kawin tahun ni tuh,call la bytie utk photographer services nih..hehe =p


Syada137 said...

bytie,cmner ko masukkan link kt gambar tuh?
i mean,when we hover to the pic,leh kuar link ke website tuh..
slalunye kuar link lain..

[b][y][t][i][e] said...

emm..bytie copy and paste link tu dr page sbnr..smbil wat entry,page yg nk link tu byt bukak gk..pastu copy and paste dr search yg kt atas tu..

yg bytie wat cmni la..pastu highlight cm biase..