Monday, May 25, 2009

hope all dreams come true

On your birthday
I’m thinking about how much light and sparkle
you freely dispense wherever you go
how your sunny smile lights up any gathering
Every birthday marks another year
of you radiating positive, happy energy
contagious happiness
that infects all who come in contact with you
May your next birthday find you the same
glowing from within,beaming bright joy on everyone you meet

happy birthday! =))


Syada137 said...

bday sape bytie?
bytie ker?
epy bday :)

[b][y][t][i][e] said...

eh..bkn bzdy bytie la syada..
bzdy bytie lmbt lg..he
bzdy org lain..
lpe lak nk tulis sape..
mls dh nk edit..hehe