Wednesday, March 25, 2009

:: unfair! ::

huhu..sedih tol hri ni..nsb baik clas ptg kol 2-6 cancel..kirenye dua clas la, blk je tido..coz not in a good mood..sedih.. ='(

for those who will become a teacher or lecturer,PLEASE be fair with ur student..

jgn berat sblh..huhu..

"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kau berilah aku kesabaran dan ketabahan dalam mengharungi kehidupan ini "


Syada137 said...

ayo beb..
cian plak dgr..
sabau jelah ek..
look at the +ve side..
de hikmah tuh..

IEYNA said...

yeke cik bytie..emmm kdg2 ada lect mcm tu....huhuhuhu..berat sblh..

cik bytie study katne ek ??

[b][y][t][i][e] said...

bytie to syada :
huhu..tau xpe..sedit gilerr beb!lctrr tu mmg nk wt cmne..sabo yo lahh..tu la..insyaallah..smg ada hikmah disblkny..amin.. =)

bytie to ieyna :
huhu..tu ar psl..mmg ade lctrr cmni..ssh tol kn?nk x nk, kene la terima gk..huhu..
bytie study kt uitm shah alam..